Real Estate investment is a part of the Ujima Fund's desired portfolio. We’ve partnered with Co-Everything, Fenway CDC, and Somerville CDC to create our first-ever Real Estate Assembly.
In November 2021, members will have the opportunity to learn about real estate development, review potential investment opportunities and properties, and generate a Real Estate Investment Plan for 2022.
3/08 - Crowdfunding & Real Estate Workshop with Co.Everything
The workshop will focus on crowdfunding as an alternative financing method for real estate, and how it can be used as a tool towards collective ownership. (Register)
Enjoy all of the archive videos from our workshops on Ujima’s Youtube page here.
11/04 - Co-op Power Boston Launch Party
Do you want to see community-owned solar in your neighborhood? Join the Co-op Power Boston Launch Party to help them create their first community-owned solar project in Boston. (More information)
11/10 - Impact Investing Game with Boston Impact Initiative Part 1 (#UjimaWednesdays: Land & Real Estate)
11/17 - Impact Investing Game with Boston Impact Initiative Part 2 (#UjimaWednesdays: Land & Real Estate)
Join Boston Impact Initiative and Ujima Project for an experiential workshop playing with the Integrated Capital Cards that help match types of capital and transaction structures with startups, small businesses, and nonprofits contributing to building regenerative and equitable local economies.
To support the creation of equitable and inclusive neighborhoods and local economies, we need to deploy a range of integrated capital tools: loans, credit enhancements, equity investments, royalty finance, crowdfunding, grants, and more.
11/18 - Co.Everything’s Real Estate For All Workshop
Ever wondered how Real Estate Development works and how you could Invest in your Community? Join Co.Everything for a fun workshop on Real Estate Development Basics that goes beyond the “Fix & Flip” with real opportunities to invest in your neighborhood.
11/19 - BlackTrust Chuck Turner Arts & Lecture Series with Tela Troge and Justin Hicks
Join Boston Ujima Project, Black Economic Council of Massachusetts (BECMA), and Mass Black Expo. for the next event in our #BlackTrust: Chuck Turner Arts & Lecture Series. We are excited to welcome Tela Troge, Esq., and musician Justin Hicks as our latest guests for the “Black Trust” series.
11/29 - How Can Communities Work Together to Acquire and Control Property? with Cooperative Fund of New England
Cooperative Fund of New England will lead us through an exciting workshop on acquiring and controlling land and property. Housing justice is social justice, but most of us feel powerless to escape the system, much less change it.

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